The Purple Miracle: Chicha Limeña

Until now, purple corn consumption has been limited to the people of its native country of Peru most commonly in the form of a refreshing and delicious drink called chicha morada. The word is quickly spreading however thanks to recent rumblings of its potential health benefits and the hard work of The Varas Group LLC of New Jersey.

Purple corn is naturally grown in the Andes of Peru at altitudes of 1,200 to 1,400 meters above sea level. Ancient burial site findings indicate that it was first cultivated around 3300 B.C. Chicha Limeña, The Varas Group trademark for chicha morada, is a unique product. Its aroma is one that reminds you of your grandmother’s kitchen – the scent of purple corn mixed with clove, cinnamon and lemon drawing you in.

The Varas Group has been selling chicha morada under its Chicha Limeña brand for the last few years in its stronghold of CT, NJ and NY. But for the last year, it has made tremendous gains in DC, MD, VA and FL. Their strategy is to develop routes at the retail level in order to introduce and familiarize the consumer with Chicha Limeña. Once this is accomplished, they then look for bigger distributors. The success of this strategy is dependent on a lot of hard work and time, but it has been effective. It also requires that those entrusted with the distribution of this product share in The Varas Group vision for Chicha Limeña.

The next goal of The Varas Group is to expand the reach of Chicha Limeña to the Midwest and West Coast. For this goal to be achieved, they once again need to recruit special people to help nurture and foster its growth. But on an even bigger level, their hope is that consumers not only learn of this product and love it, but also recognize it as a Peruvian product of national pride.

Anyone interested in learning more about Chicha Limeña can contact Renato Varas at or call 203-273-3523.

Article by Renato Varas on

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